About Ada Johnson
I’m Ada Johnson and I’m a somatics practitioner and grief companion who can help you work with the stress, trauma, grief and loss you’ve experienced.
I am a cis-gendered white anti racist queer genderfluid neurodivergent woman. I grew up in a working class southern family on the Gulf of Mexico. I am the parent of a child who was stillborn 7 years ago and a living 6 year old.
I have worked in community health education, birth work, abortion support, women and trans self-defense, rape crisis counseling and have been involved in transformative community responses to sexual assault and intimate violence for the last twenty years. I have attended many births as a trauma-informed community midwife and full-spectrum doula. I am a nationally certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), having completed 3+ years of training through The Foundation For Human Enrichment.
My work is strengthened by my 43 years of life training outside of an academic or institutional framework, being part of communities trying to create, act and live outside of the systems of capitalism, racism and domination. My own experiences of grief, trauma and near death have taught me about the possibility of integration, aliveness and healing.
I have been personally influenced by the teachings of Generative Somatics, Empty Arms Bereavement Support, The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, Pacific School of Herbal Medicine, Patricia Federico, Home Alive, Vanissar Tarakali and Samantha Dorsett, as well as the reading and listening to so many wise people involved in movements for health and healing justice.